Best price booking directly here.
Hotel Rita

The weather in Längenfeld

morning, 18.05.2024
temperature: 7°C/45°F
fair weather chance: 60%
frost line: 2400 m
afternoon, 18.05.2024
temperature: 16°C/61°F
fair weather chance: 60%
frost line: 3100 m
Sunday, 19.05.2024
temperature: 18°C/64°F
fair weather chance: 70%
frost line: 3300 m
Monday, 20.05.2024
temperature: 18°C/64°F
fair weather chance: 70%
frost line: 3400 m



Summer is underway! Warm air masses will be coming in from the south and the best thing is that they will dominate our weather for several days!

On Saturday, the weather will be bright and dry, apart from a moderate risk of thunderstorms in the afternoon.



The ideal holiday weather will become even more stable during the following days!



Summer is underway! Warm air masses will be coming in from the south and the best thing is that they will dominate our weather for several days!

On Saturday, the weather will be bright and dry, apart from a moderate risk of thunderstorms in the afternoon.



The ideal holiday weather will become even more stable during the following days!



Summer is underway! Warm air masses will be coming in from the south and the best thing is that they will dominate our weather for several days!

On Saturday, the weather will be bright and dry, apart from a moderate risk of thunderstorms in the afternoon.



The ideal holiday weather will become even more stable during the following days!



Summer is underway! Warm air masses will be coming in from the south and the best thing is that they will dominate our weather for several days!

On Saturday, the weather will be bright and dry, apart from a moderate risk of thunderstorms in the afternoon.



The ideal holiday weather will become even more stable during the following days!

Best price booking directly here.